St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

St. Valentine’s Day Massacre

Our teammates started teaching the first-ever Bible lessons in the Iski language last week! Being as we are still in the “language-learning” phase of our ministry, however, we are not really able to directly contribute to their teaching efforts a whole lot. What we...
History in the Making

History in the Making

As many of you know, our village was constructed a few years ago for the sole purpose of hearing God’s Talk. Every man, woman, and child here has moved a day’s journey into the jungle, leaving behind their access to government schooling, a medical clinic, and easier...
Pestilence, Pottery, and A Bug

Pestilence, Pottery, and A Bug

I’ll be honest, I’m a little tubel* concerning what I should be writing about right now. You see, this last weekend I was sick, which always spurs my creative muse into action.** I also created my very first piece of pottery, which (though it is small, irregularly...
Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons

There are a few pros and cons to living in a remote jungle village. Yes, I know there are pros and cons in any given circumstance in life, and usually it’s more an issue of our perspective of a situation that determines its “pro” or “con” status more than the actual...
A Night At The Movies

A Night At The Movies

As our teaching time draws nearer,* we have been looking for ways to help our Iski friends and neighbors engage with, and process, new information. If this seems like an inconsequential thing to you, that’s because we often take for granted the EXORBITANT amount of...