Wanpela Wik I Go Pinis

Wanpela Wik I Go Pinis

It’s hard to believe, but we’ve already been back in Papua New Guinea for one week now! Jet lag has pretty much worn off, though we still wake up a little early and are pretty well bushed by 8:30 PM. (Living in the tropics just tends to encourage an early bedtime for...
The Final Countdown

The Final Countdown

The leaves are changing colors, the air is getting crisp and cool, all around us the harvest is coming in…yup, it looks like it’s time to freak out. Usually, October in Upstate NY would have us changing out our summer clothes and preparing for winter, but this year...
My Bladder

My Bladder

You probably haven’t considered this before, but tribal missionaries nowadays are often required to have very large bladders. I mean seriously HUGE bladders. And they have to be durable too. You certainly don’t want to experience leakage out in the bush! Well, I...
Hey Baby

Hey Baby

Two weeks ago today, our family celebrated a fairly momentous occasion. You may have already heard about it in the news. That’s right, July 1st….was Canada Day!* (Oh yeah, and we had a baby.) You read that correctly, our number three bouncing baby boy has arrived safe...