The Callahan Crew

We’ve been blessed with a litle piece of paradise in the Adirondack foothills, & we’re loving our homesteading adventure!


Our worldview shapes the way in which we view reality and how we conduct ourselves in the world.

Our Health Journey

We’re finally starting to win the fight against some of our chronic health issues!

Seth, Rochelle, & Their Motley Crew

After 7 years of living in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, our family has settled (mostly) into life back in the States. This website is the place where we can share about the new adventure our family has found itself on! We hope you enjoy this little glimpse into the life we’re living!


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Not Crazy About Exercise
I went for a jog the other day. I realize that the full impact of that sentence is probably lost on you, so I’ll try to give you some context. I have a friend named Joel. I told Joel a little while back that we should get together to chat and catch up. He responded by...
A Manly Talk Concerning Breasts
Struggling with my weight has been a constant theme throughout my life, but once I crossed over the 30-year mark things inexplicably got even more difficult. It was as if the little neurons controlling my metabolism had a secret union meeting that I wasn’t aware of:...
Picture-Perfect Piggies
Our kunekune pigs are just amazing. Several times in the last year, on hearing that I’m a new pig owner, I’ve had farmers instruct me in swine safety protocols: “Be sure to keep your kids away from them. They’ll knock a...
Is this the real life?
​“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is...
Not Crazy About Exercise

Not Crazy About Exercise

I’m pretty sure if I had a spirit-animal, it would probably be something akin to a manatee: pale, slow, heavy-set, whiskers…it’s a pretty solid match.

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A Manly Talk Concerning Breasts

A Manly Talk Concerning Breasts

I’m not generally a vain person, and I wouldn’t say that I have any great aspirations of physical prowess, but even so, discovering that “bosomy” could now be used in a description of me was a bit of a reality check.

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Picture-Perfect Piggies

Picture-Perfect Piggies

The only danger our herd might present to a visitor in their pasture would be “excessive snuggling.” Honestly, our kunekunes’ temperaments made our old rabbit colony look like it was a Hell’s Angels subsidiary.

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