We’re going to see a baptism.

It’s going to be a fun one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-oh! A jungle!

A big, dark jungle.

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no!

We’ve got to go through it!

Stumble, trip! Stumble, trip! Stumble, trip!

We’re going to see a baptism.

It’s going to be a fun one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-oh! Grass!

Long, wavy grass.

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no!

We’ve got to go through it!

Swishy-swashy! Swishy-swashy! Swishy-swashy!

We’re going to see a baptism.

It’s going to be a fun one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-oh! Mud!

Soupy, sticky mud.

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Oh no!

We’ve got to go through it!

Squelch-squerch! Squelch-squerch! Squelch-squerch!

We’re going to see a baptism.

It’s going to be a fun one.

What a beautiful day!

We’re not scared.

Uh-oh! A fallen tree!

Lots of fallen trees.

We can’t go around them.

We can’t go under them.

Oh no!

We’ve got to go over them!

Grunt-oof! Grunt-oof! Grunt-oof!

Uh-oh! A stream!

A cool, muddy stream.

We can’t go over it.

We can’t go under it.

Wait! We don’t have to.

We made it to the baptism!

Hurray! Hurray! Hurray!

Feel free to celebrate with us as we thank the Lord for these Iski brothers and sisters! Just over one year ago, these dear friends told us that they were clueless as to what the message of the Bible was. They were confused about life, and terrified of death.

And yet, yesterday, after sitting under the teaching of God’s Word for a year, in their mother-tongue, 83 individuals were able to stand in a river, and declare to those gathered on the bank that they have been saved by the blood of Christ, and are children of God!

What a truly beautiful day!

Please continue to pray for these believers who have publicly declared their faith, as well as those others who are still struggling to fully understand the message of the cross and the meaning of baptism.

*With a huge nod to the children’s book, “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt.”