by Seth Callahan | May 16, 2016 | Past Ministry, Unreached People Groups
We had the first Iski-language literacy class the other day! The school day started out like you might expect, everyone smiling and excited, all the students dressed in their best clothes, and the entire population of our village lined up in the “town square” to shake...
by Seth Callahan | May 1, 2016 | Missionary Family
Dear Mom and Dad, I wanted to write you a heartfelt e-mail, letting you know that we made it back into the tribe, but I also really needed to get a blog post out before the weekend is over. Being as I am on the cusp of death as I type, I don’t think I’ll have time to...
by Seth Callahan | Mar 27, 2016 | Past Ministry, Unreached People Groups
Comparing life in the bush with life back in one’s home country is generally an unwise and unhelpful thing to do. The comparison will always be biased towards the culture and living situation of your home, and it can sometimes cause one to feel a slight amount of...
by Seth Callahan | Mar 17, 2016 | Past Ministry, Unreached People Groups
This last Friday, as I sat at my desk with smoke coming out of my ears from all the mental circuits that had recently been fried attempting to learn the Iski language, I thought up an analogy of my situation. It’s not a perfect depiction, by any means, but to my...
by Seth Callahan | Mar 14, 2016 | Jungle Garden, Missionary Family
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post bemoaning the fact that we hadn’t gotten fruit on the last heli flight that came in, and we weren’t going to have an opportunity to get more for several more weeks. Even though I was being kind of whiny and pathetic about the whole...