Picture-Perfect Piggies

Picture-Perfect Piggies

Our kunekune2pronounced “cooney-cooney” pigs are just amazing. Several times in the last year, on hearing that I’m a new pig owner, I’ve had farmers instruct me in swine safety protocols: “Be sure to keep your kids away from them. They’ll knock a kid down, and...
Is this the real life?

Is this the real life?

​“Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is...
Plexus: A Beginning

Plexus: A Beginning

[Below are a few entries from when I first started dabbling with Plexus.] Day 1 Alright…let’s see if this “pink drink” is all that they say it is… I’m starting off with an easy 40 extra lbs around my middle, chronic insomnia, and...
“Home” Again

“Home” Again

Well, we’ve been back in the States for almost 2 months now.1And it has been a CRAZY two months! For the sake of brevity I think I’m going to have to limit the scope of this particular post strictly to Callahan-specific ministry stuff. News pertaining to...
5 Days and counting…

5 Days and counting…

The chaos that is our life has settled down enough at present for me to sit down and get an update out for the masses. 1 “Masses,” in this case, is referring to the 8 people who still occassionally check our neglected website for new information. Before I...