Not-so-pearly Whites

Not-so-pearly Whites

Recently, after being out in town for a couple of weeks, having some long talks with some of the “big cheeses” of our organization, and making a few earth-shatteringly huge ministry decisions, we eventually were able to fly back into our quiet little bush...
Still Alive

Still Alive

We are not dead. I know, it may have APPEARED like we had fallen off the face of the earth three months ago, when we began an unplanned, near-complete-cessation of public communications, but we DID NOT. No, the reasons for our silence were much less dramatic....


One of our pilots over here just informed me that while they were back in the States on their home assignment they had the following exchange with a stranger: Stranger: “You guys work in Papua New Guinea? I read a blog from a missionary over there sometimes! He’s with...