Well, I’ve got some bad news for you, and there’s just no good way to sugarcoat it: COVID-19. It’s kind of a big deal.

Due to the policies, procedures, and preferences of the powers that be, I can’t necessarily share with you all the sundry details that you might be curious about concerning our specific situation. I CAN, however, offer you the following helpful and informative (albeit, partially redacted) approved talking points.

  • We are currently safe in [name of village] and are following all national protocols of social distancing and travel restrictions as prescribed by the government of [name of sovereign country].
  • We have several contingencies in place regarding our personal safety, should the situation [term of gradation]. Namely, if [situation] then we would immediately [response to situation].
  • We are encouraged that [specific data point], but that still leaves us wondering if [personal speculation] might impact the [alternate specific data point].
  • The [name of sovereign country] has [action] [various transportation utilities] until [date]. This leads us to [personal speculation].
  • All in all, we would say that our situation right now is [specific assessment of situation].

I trust that the above thorough and descriptive big-picture summary of our situation has adequately assuaged any worries or angst that you may have been feeling on our account.

More specific to our family, here are a few other things that I think might be helpful for friends, family, and supporters to be made aware of, so that they (you) might be able to more accurately pray for us as we are brought to mind.

Tucker turned 7 this week! As per his request, we celebrated with hamburgers (“Those are the ones with meat in them, right, Dad?”), apple pie (with some papaya thrown in to help bulk it out), and Pokemon decorations!

We are alone in the bush right now and our teammates won’t be back until sometime this  fall, assuming the zombie apocalypse is over by then.

We are OK on supplies, and we are anticipating being able to get a flight in here pretty soon to stock us up even more, so we will be set for a good chunk of time in case things get dicey (as opposed the current, very placid state of world affairs).

Though we are alone in the bush, we are well-connected to our mission leadership, and they are taking very active measures to ensure our safety and keep us abreast of the situation as new information is made available. We are being well taken care of, and we are very thankful for our many co-laborers who are working hard to make it possible for us to remain plugged-in and engaged in our work here among the Iski.

We got a puppy. His name is Wookie. He is super cute. He pees a lot. Relatedly, he is now spending less time in our house and more time on our porch.

We have all sorts of prescription drugs on hand, and our medical team is easily accessible via the inter-webs to help us diagnose and treat a litany of gross and awful ailments and diseases, should the need arise.

Except for Rochelle being on bed rest all of last week, due to intense belly trouble, and Griffin puking his guts out yesterday, we are all in perfect health.

Though we have not seen it happen yet, a potential consequence of millions of Americans hunkering down in their homes, losing their jobs, & living off of their savings, is the very real possibility that we may be taking a hit in the “monthly financial support” side of things in the coming months, which could make life a bit more interesting for us here in our swamp.

We found a tarantula as big as a Buick on the back of our front door as we were locking up the other night. It was hideous. We were able to neutralize the threat, but the emotional scarring appears to be permanent.

Well, I think that about does it. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to shoot us an email or leave a comment.

Thank you very much for taking the time to stay connected and involved in our lives and ministry. We love and appreciate you all. Hugs and kisses.