Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda

Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda

Dear Mom and Dad, I wanted to write you a heartfelt e-mail, letting you know that we made it back into the tribe, but I also really needed to get a blog post out before the weekend is over. Being as I am on the cusp of death as I type, I don’t think I’ll have time to...
Bananas Part – 2

Bananas Part – 2

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post bemoaning the fact that we hadn’t gotten fruit on the last heli flight that came in, and we weren’t going to have an opportunity to get more for several more weeks. Even though I was being kind of whiny and pathetic about the whole...
My Fair Lady

My Fair Lady

Rochelle has been hinting lately that she doesn’t feel she is talked about enough in our blog. Her cues have been subtle, but, thankfully, I have a fairly acute sensitivity to these types of things. It’s almost a sixth sense. So, when my wife makes a vague comment...