“For all the animals of the forest are mine,
and I own the cattle on a thousand hills.
I know every bird on the mountains,
and all the animals of the field are mine.”

Psalms 50:10-11

I am not a proponent of the “prosperity Gospel.” I do not believe that being a follower of Christ comes with any sort of guarantee of financial blessing or that Christians have any reasonable basis for expecting/demanding that God’s provisions for our lives match up to our personal plans or expectations.

God is all-powerful, wise, loving, compassionate, and in control. He can do WHAT He wants, WHEN He wants, HOW He wants. Our role as believers is to confide in Him, depend on Him, and trust Him to do as He sees fit in our lives, regardless of how His ways line up with our dreams and aspirations.

That being said…DANG.

In the last two weeks, God has dumped blessings on us in such a way that He has literally taken care of ALL of our financial needs for our upcoming transition!

To clarify, a little while ago we made a list of all the upcoming big-ticket expenses that we have coming our way (more than $10,000). God provided the funds needed to meet those needs almost immediately after we shared them!

It is hard to put into words how incredibly comforting it is to be in the midst of chaos and uncertainty1 and then, in a matter of just a few days, to have to have all the financial burdens you have been trying to juggle miraculously disappear.

I don’t know XACTLY how it felt for the disciples to witness Jesus calm the stormy sea with a simple verbal command, but I think I now might have at least an inkling as to what it was like.

Knowing that God is able to meet your needs, regardless of your circumstances, is a belief that brings regular comfort. Getting to actually WATCH Him meet those needs…well, that’s just doggone awesome.

We now have the cash in hand to purchase all of our travel accomodations back to the US next month, AND we have a paid-for vehicle waiting for us in the States! Please join us in praising God for His generous provision for our family! And, for those who have given towards our upcoming expenses, THANK YOU!