Past Adventures

We spent 7 years living in Papua New Guinea working with a religious non-profit. Five of those years were spent deep in a jungle swamp, living among a remote, isolated tribal group. These are some of the posts that we wrote from that context!

“Home” Again

“Home” Again

Well, we've been back in the States for almost 2 months now. For the sake of brevity I think I'm going to have to limit the scope of this particular post strictly to Callahan-specific ministry stuff. News...

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God is Loaded

God is Loaded

Knowing that God is able to meet your needs, regardless of your circumstances, is a belief that brings regular comfort. Getting to actually WATCH Him meet those needs…well, that’s just doggone awesome.

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Counting Our Blessings

Counting Our Blessings

Our jungle-living experience significanlty improved the other day when our co-workers, the Tousches, finally rejoined us here in the bush! Yay! The old adage "better late than never" has never proved more true.They were originally supposed to have come back...

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The Home Stretch

The Home Stretch

[FYI: This post contains an affiliate link. We will get a small kickback if this item is purchased via our site.] We arrived back in the bush a little while ago after taking a couple weeks' break out at one of our mission centers (which was AWESOME!). After...

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Looking ahead

Looking ahead

It has always been one of our goals that our family blog be an accurate representation of our life and ministry. Or, at least, a mostly accurate representation.Rochelle feels that I sometimes present things a little too narrow-mindedly and occasionally...

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Here’s The Skinny

Here’s The Skinny

As we continue along in this transitional season of ministry, we wanted to take a few minutes to update everyone as to our current situation. On the whole, I’d say we are doing well as we work through the varying emotions that accompany prematurely phasing out of a...

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Not-so-pearly Whites

Not-so-pearly Whites

Recently, after being out in town for a couple of weeks, having some long talks with some of the "big cheeses" of our organization, and making a few earth-shatteringly huge ministry decisions, we eventually were able to fly back into our quiet little bush location......

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